Saturday, August 31

Cleaning up for a greener planet

Here at KISC, we try our hardest to have the smallest possible impact on the environment, be this through reducing energy use or through the products we buy. Having over 12,000 guests staying with us every year we are in a unique position to make a real difference by changing our actions, and being a friendly role model for all. One big way we help reduce our effects on the environment is by using eco-friendly cleaning products. I spoke to Benny Hygiene Business Unit Manager at vanBaerle, the company who make the eco-friendly cleaning products we use, to find out more about the products they make and how they are trying to help the planet.

What motivates you as a company to develop eco-friendly products?
All Cleaning products impact the environment. Considering the actual situation of our planet it is obvious that minimizing this impact is indispensable.
What is it that actually defines your products as eco-friendly? Are some products more eco-friendly than others?
The combination of carefully selected raw materials, energy optimized production facilities and processes, and of eco-friendly use of the product. The latter implies product efficiency, economical dosing (e.g. using appropriate dosing tools) and well trained users.

What kind of testing do you put your products through to ensure that they perform just as well as less environmentally friendly ones.
All products are tested in-house in our labs and in the field prior to market introduction. Equivalent performance is essential  for any of our products.
How does a company like yours manage to stay eco-friendly and still compete with other companies?
As a Swiss company, our strategy is not based on a cost leadership strategy. In fact we provide a range of products and services which meet our customer’s demands in a sustainable manner. Individual consulting, intensive training and eco-friendly products are the key elements of this approach.

If you could get the swiss government to pass one new law to help the environment, what would it be and why?
Instead of adding a new law, we would suggest to have Switzerland to spend substantially more financial resources on eco research and to continue using the tool of an incitement tax on ecological/ non ecological behavior.

What three changes would you suggest people make at home to be more eco-friendly?
Since the key challenge might be different for every person and home, a specific analysis is mandatory. At the end of the day it usually results in reducing the use of non-renewable resources such as petrochemical derivatives and in minimizing carbon dioxide emission.
KISC too shares this passion for the environment, and we hope that you are inspired to help save the planet during your stay with us!
Pete (UK)
ECO Assistant

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