Monday, November 28

Weird Weather

This Autumn Kandersteg has enjoyed (or endured!) particularly warm weather.  With very little rain (with the exception of the flooding in early October) clear bright sunny days, and still very little snow it may be interesting to consider what is really going on with the weather?

Figures published on Tuesday by the Met Office suggest that despite the unusually warm weather 2011 stands at only 11th place on the list of warmest years ever since records began in 1850.

It seems that Switzerland is not alone in having higher than usual temperatures.  Weather in the UK, Russia and American to name just a few have recieved temperature readings a few degrees higher than normal.

So why not the hottest? Experts have pointed to a weather system called La Nina in the pacific that brings cooler water to the surface has pushed down the Global average.

But what is really worrying about this is despite a cooler year, the data relesed today confirms an overall warming trend with 9 of the warmest years on record occuring since the year 2000, and each sucessive decde since 1950 has been warmer than the last.

I think I'd rather ski than surf in the Winter.


1 comment:

  1. We're feeling the effect here in London, Canada too! This is the first year in a long time that we probably won't have snow before Christmas! Although we only have a very small ski hill near my town, I do miss it already!
