Wednesday, July 31

Ecology and Imagination

A couple of weeks ago a friend asked me this question: “Would you prefer donating a percentage of your salary for environmental purposes or change the way you live in order to be more ecological?” I was not happy with his question. This question implied that in order to be ecological you need to make sacrifices – one way or the other.  That question is a trap; people need to realise that being environmentally friendly is not a matter of making sacrifices or compromises. In fact, it is the opposite; when you respect the environment and exploit it in imaginative ways it is not only nature that benefits itself but also you as a person and society in general.
Allow me to show some examples of imaginative use of natural resources.

Here you can see a merry-go-round that pumps clean ground water from a well.


Another good example of imaginative use of resources is our very own jucinator where you can cycle in order to make a delicious smoothie!

On a larger scale the Zollverein School of Business Management and Design building uses water pumped from the nearby mine to insulate and heat the entire building – which is both more efficient and environmentally friendly.

There are many more examples of creative design both in small scale and large scale projects you will discover around the world (and your very own neighbourhood). The important thing you need to remember is that being environmentally friendly is not a chore but could be very fun instead!

Orestis (CY)
STS Summer 2013

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